Musings from the ebb 💧

Musings from the ebb

I’m remembering the time I was being mentored by Linda Nenne.

It was something like early 2020 late 2019 and I had to be all over social media ‘selling’ the 2020 training. I hated it. Didn’t want to do it. I was in total resistance. Why can’t people just come? I don’t want to be on social media. Who the hell wants to listen to what I have to say. My life isn’t interesting. It’s narcissistic. I don’t want to play.

Yes. There were lots of vikalpas (mental constructs) and bullshit stories I was telling myself to remain unseen. It felt like the training wasn’t ‘in flow’. It wasn’t as easy as last time. Obstacles were showing up at every turn and I was doubting if it should go ahead.

Then Linda said to me Why don’t you bring it into flow?

Say what?

I can bring the thing that’s not in flow into flow?

Mind. Blown.

And so, here I am. On a Tuesday in May. Day 2 of my period. I’m feeling quiet. I don’t want to get up early and go for a run. I want the extra hour under the covers. I want a pasty and some cheese. I want a cool glass of wine. And I remember that it’s not ebb or flow.

To surrender to the ebb is a magical experience of transparency and sensitivity. To not judge the ebb or resist it. To recognise it as a current.

A flowing back of the tide toward the sea.

And there it is.

The kernel of insight that comes from being in the process of writing, of resting, of trusting, of ebbing.

To ebb is to flow.

(Signs off with Shakespearean levels of smug while burning her mouth on said pasty).

Much love.




Devotion, Desire and Discipline


Progress not perfection