
300 Hour Tantra, Somatics and Embodied Yoga Training


300 Hour Tantra, Somatics AND Embodied Yoga Training

An Endless Becoming


Our 300 hour Tantra, Somatics and Embodied Yoga Training is for yoga teachers and movement artists who want to instruct less, facilitate more and curate transformational spaces for embodied awakening.

This is for you if you are looking to refine your embodiment of philosophy, somatics and experiential anatomy. If you want to get out of your own way, find your voice, integrate your shadow, become more embodied and build your confidence. The program is open to Samāveśa graduates, Embodied Flow™ students, teachers with a 200hr TTC or students wanting to immerse in the rich world of somatics, psychology, Tantric philosophy, ritual, practice, mantra, voice and embodied yoga.

The beauty of a spiritual life is that it only goes deeper. We continue to spiral into bigger versions of ourselves and more profound experiences of reality, as we become a clearer channel. More awake, more sensitised, more connected, more transparent.

All applications will be considered, scholarships are available and pricing is accessible with 3, 10 & 18 month plans.

What is the 300 hour Tantra, Somatics and Embodied Yoga Training?

This advanced Embodied Yoga Facilitator training is a call to get out of your own way, become a clear channel and let go of control. You will:

  • surrender deeply to the Goddess, to your gifts and to the ways that you are called into service

  • awaken the layers of psyche, learn the language of soul and attune to dreams, the imaginal and your intuition

  • return to your poetry, your artistry and become the visionary and seer that you already are.

Who is our Embodied Yoga Facilitator Training for?

We welcome yoga teachers, embodiment guides, therapists, healers, artists, devotees and priestesses. Join us if you are longing to:

  • tap into endless wells of inspiration for your embodied yoga classes, ceremonies and creative offerings

  • deepen into non-dual philosophy, depth psychology and somatic psychology

  • know how to weave the teachings into your offerings

  • greet your voice, understand mantra science, awaken your Bhakti heart, study the Bhagavad Gita through the Tantric lens.

What will you learn?

We will gather at the Samhain portal to begin our journey with Psyche. This is an emergent and innovative space that is guided by the animate, the Goddess and the beings who answer her call. We will travel into the heart of the mystery before landing back in the body with Soma, a place of profound belonging. Both aspects of the training are delivered online with the option to gather in community in Granada. From there, we continue to deepen into the teachings with Agni, Gita and somatic labs.

At the end of the 10 month journey you will:

  • walk away with the confidence to hold healing, creative and inspirational spaces

  • learn how to curate powerful and poetic movement journeys which harness the cutting edge of embodied facilitation

  • learn about embodied yoga planning, get lots of teaching practice and receive mentoring and spot coaching

  • know how to hold brave spaces, how to read the room and how to listen to the space

  • know how to guide people into somatisation, visualisation, free movement and meditation

  • understand anatomy from an experiential, embodied and somatic perspective.

Collette Davis, embodied yoga facilitator, on the 300 hour Tantra, Somatics and Embodied Yoga Training. Blessing a tree.

300hr Tantra, Yoga & Somatics Training


HYBRID EARLY BIRD £3900 (Inc 9 nights in Granada)

HYBRID EARLY BIRD £4600 (Inc 18 nights in Granada)



    • The full 12 month 300hr Tantra, Somatics and Embodied Yoga training includes 5 modules - Psyche, Soma, Āgni, Gita & Śri

    • Lifetime access to online content

    • 9 or 18 nights shared accommodation and food in Granada for Psyche and Soma (Hybrid only)

    • Save £900 and receive Śri and Āgni for free when you sign up to the early bird

    • 3 months access to The Remembership

    • 2 x 45 minute mentorship calls with Collette, before and after the training

  • Please download the pdf for full schedule and cost breakdown.

  • Please download the pdf for full schedule and cost breakdown.

    We require a £500 deposit but please let us know if you need to pay smaller amount - we are flexible and want to make it work for you.

    To secure your place, please fill in the application form and sen your deposit.

Early Bird Bonuses

When you sign up to the 300hr training before March 2025 you’ll receive the following:

A discount of up to £900

3 month access to
The Remembership Devotional Tier*
(worth £150)

Tantric Philosophy & Practice + Tantric Philosophy & Depth Psychology (worth £600)

2 Mentorship calls with Collette
(worth £300)

*This includes transmission from a Śri Vidya lineage holder

300 Hour Tantra, Somatics and Embodied Yoga Training

Your Information Pack

There are multiple modules and payment plans so we’ve put together this pdf so you can explore all the possibilities. Just click the link and we’ll send it to your inbox.


Psyche 100 hr Immersion



Linda Nenne, Libby Rose Waite & Collette Davis

£1111 Online Early Bird | £1900 Hybrid Early bird

Hybrid includes 9 nights in Granada.

Payment plans available.

Psyche is an embodied and experiential journey into the art of holding space through the language and lens of soul. For facilitators, artists, coaches, therapists, yoga teachers or anyone interested in how to listen deeply - to themselves, each other, the space and the land. 

Besides giving you context, philosophy and psychological maps, we are invoking Psyche. We are calling Psyche into the space and learning how to listen to Her. To speak her language. To guide and hold and offer and create on Her terms. We are learning how to sit in the limen, to hover on the threshold, to trust the space and be an open channel for wisdom and grace.

You are welcome to join as part of the training or for your own enjoyment, realisation and curiosity. 

300 hour tantra, somatics and embodied yoga student feeling into fabric.


Soma 100hr Immersion



Alexandra Macdonald, Collette Davis, Mari Halina Colbert & Sophie Hutchinson

£1111 Online Early Bird | £1900 Hybrid Early bird

Hybrid includes 9 nights in Granada.

Payment plans available.

A deeply experiential module, you will be guided into movement journeys that weave somatics, philosophy, free movement, guided visualisation and meditation. You will learn the art of embodied planning, have lots of teaching practice and receive mentoring in Granada. Mari will be sharing all her knowledge of embodied anatomy through a mix of lecture, somatic yoga and experiential anatomy. You are welcome to join as part of the training or for your own enjoyment. Please fill in the form and pay a £300 deposit to secure your place.

300 hour tantra somatics and embodied yoga training student praying.


Āgni 20 Hours


Collette Davis


Dinacharya, yogic lifestyle, nutrition and how to be a clear channel. This module draws on the teachings of Ayurveda, with some modern day wisdom and a lot of lived experience. The intention is to help you find balance in your body so the practices can penetrate more deeply into your being. We'll begin on the Equinox with a liver cleanse and a Lakshmi sādhanā and we'll close with Durga for Navarartri.

Embodied Yoga student on the 300 Hour Tantra, Somatics and Embodied Yoga Training


Gita 50 Hours


Oliva Preyte, Georgie Buchanan & Collette Davis


This module is all about Voice. Freeing your voice, healing your voice, opening your voice. It's your biggest tool as a facilitator and it's an area that is often neglected on trainings. We will be framing the module through the lens of the Bhagavad Gita and Poised for Grace by Douglas Brooks. It will be an exploration of dharma, mantra, and Bhakti from Leela while Georgie will guide us into play, improvisation, expression and both an understanding of how to use our voice and free our voice.

Samavesa faculty on the 300 Hour Tantra, Somatics and Embodied Yoga Training


Śri 30 hours


Collette Davis


After completing Psyche, Soma, Agni and Gita, you will then shift into the role of mentor to the 250hr trainees. You will co-facilitate small mentorship groups and support the new students, practicing your space holding and facilitation skills. You will also participate in the first 3 modules of the 250hr training, where you will contextualise your studies within the teachings of Non-Dual Kashmir Shaivism. This includes Tantric Philosophy & Practice, and Tantric Philosophy & Depth Psychology. 

Embodied yoga students hugging on the 300 Hour Tantra, Somatics and Embodied Yoga Training


Psyche & Soma Hybrid

£3800 early bird

Includes 18 nights in the Alpujarras mountains in Granada

Take both of the 100hr modules together and join us for the magic of the in person gathering in Andalucia.. Come to train or for your own process. 3, 10 and 18 month payment plans available. Fill in the application form and pay your £300 deposit to secure your place.

Students hugging on the 300 Hour Tantra, Somatics and Embodied Yoga Training


Touch the Heart of the Tantric Teachings

Heather Spencer, Yogini, Ballet Dancer, Movement Artist, Embodied Yoga Facilitator and Graduate

“No words can justify how much this embodied yoga training has changed my life. The reverberating echoes of old conditioning and stories had led me to believe that expanding my capacity to let more of life in would never be possible; however, being held in such welcoming, safe and supportive container ignited a transformative journey of remembering my truth; remembering the parts of myself I’ve rejected and abandoned along the way, and lovingly reintegrating them. Meeting myself more fully is a process that continues to reveal itself and enriches my life immeasurably.”


Dates, Times and Pricing

There are multiple modules and payment plans so we’ve put together this pdf so you can explore all the possibilities. If you prefer to have the link in your inbox, choose the email button below.


Your Facilitators


  • You are welcome to join the 9 night immersions. They are not so much ‘retreats’ as powerful containers for you to deepen into the material and move further along your path. If that is what you are looking for then yes, please join us.

    Pay Deposit

  • You can find details of payment plans for each module in the info pack. Just hit the link below.


  • You can find details of all the details in the info pack. Just hit the link below.


  • We offer 3 paid scholarships and 1 full scholarship. If you are from a non-western, low economy country, from a financially marginalised community or if you are on a low income you are welcome to apply. Spaces are limited so please only apply if you are fully committed and the training would be financially impossible for you. We offer payment plans to make things affordable and accessible for everyone.

    apply here for a scholarship

  • If you’re not interested in certifying and just want to be in community and deepen your knowledge of philosophy, somatics, ritual, mantra and voice then you are very welcome to sign up for the individual modules. If you want to train as a Facilitator, and haven’t already completed a 200hr, you would be better with our signature 250hr Embodied Yoga Facilitator Training. We also recommend signing up to The Remembership to get a feel for the teachings.

    300HR application

    250Hr training

    The Remembership

  • Life is busy and we know you won’t be able to make all the sessions. If you wish to certify you are required to attend 80% of the live sessions. Of course, the more you show up, the better the outcome. For Samāveśa graduates and members of the community in Asia, Aus and NZ you are welcome to do the Hybrid modules. You can take the online elements via the recordings and meet us in Granada.

  • Yes you are very welcome to step in with no intention to teach and to be in the community for your own practice and process.

  • You have lifetime access to the material - as long as we have the thinkific platform you will have the content. It is all downloadable so you are able to keep the content if we remove ourselves from the platform.

  • If you are looking for full 300hr certification, you will be assessed on a final offering in the Śri module. You will also be asked to share and offer from your embodied research in the Soma module.

  • Please fill in the application form and pay your deposit. You'll receive a welcome email if your application is successful, and if it doesn't feel like a fit, after reviewing your application, we will refund your deposit.

    300hr application

  • Times are 13.00-20.00 BST (British Summer Time) to include the UK, Europe, US, Canada or Latin America. If you are a Samāveśa Graduate (or member of the community) in Asia, Australia or New Zealand then you are welcome to join the lives where you can, watch the recordings and meet us in Granada. Get in touch if you’re unsure.

Jenny Ní Ruiséil, Tantrika, Poet, Voice Artist, Kirtan Wallah, Irish devotee, Embodied Yoga Facilitator and Graduate

“The Samavesa embodied yoga training has given me more than I think I can put into words, mainly because the experience was so deeply felt and lived through my body. That might sound really obvious, but having come at yoga practice and teaching from a very structured and mind-based approach, it felt so liberating to discover a whole world of information and experience that I can access through my cells and intuition, in any moment, at any time. The training has really solidified and driven back home the notion that yoga can be experienced in any moment, at any time, if only we can cultivate the awareness and presence to deeply listen. This has enriched not only my practice and teaching, but my entire experience of life! I wish for everyone to experience this.




Deposits are non-refundable. There are limited spaces so if you take a space you must pay for it. If something comes up and you need to defer then you are welcome to join us the following year but payments must be honoured. For in person trainings, deposits are non-refundable and we encourage you to get health and travel insurance to cover any unforeseen events. Click below to read our general terms and conditions.