Jenny Ní Ruiséil, Tantrika, Poet, Voice Artist, Kirtan Wallah, Irish devotee, Embodied Yoga Facilitator and Graduate
“The Samavesa embodied yoga training has given me more than I think I can put into words, mainly because the experience was so deeply felt and lived through my body. That might sound really obvious, but having come at yoga practice and teaching from a very structured and mind-based approach, it felt so liberating to discover a whole world of information and experience that I can access through my cells and intuition, in any moment, at any time. The training has really solidified and driven back home the notion that yoga can be experienced in any moment, at any time, if only we can cultivate the awareness and presence to deeply listen. This has enriched not only my practice and teaching, but my entire experience of life! I wish for everyone to experience this.
Mandy Daglish, Yoga and Embodiment Facilitator and Graduate
“The course exceeded expectations beyond my wildest dreams of what could be possible. I met so many of my different fears and limitations. I've found a wisdom and courage to be able to speak my truth with my loved ones, even when it's challenging and feels like the most impossible situation to overcome! The meaning of 'container' has taken on a whole new light. Continually arriving each week, even when I was falling apart, being seen and held, whilst knowing it's okay not to know, and to be with what is. I've come into relationship with the field of spaciousness, which feels divine. The gripping of desires has loosened. Life has become more graceful with a deeper connection with my essence nature.”
Molly Davis, Embodied Tarot Witch, Yoga and Embodiment Facilitator and Graduate
“The Samavesa 250 hour training was an incredibly transformative container, in which I felt held and supported throughout. The course content was well-structured, interesting and allowed for deep enquiry. Our main course facilitator, Collette, has been such an amazing mentor, teacher and friend. Through the course, I have come into a much deeper relationship with the wisdom of my body, I have started to unpack the layers of stories and conditioning around what it means to be in my body. The Samavesa Yoga Facilitator training brought me into relationship with the Divine, through the transmission of Non-dual Kashmir Shaivism, which has become so important to me and my practice. I genuinely couldn't recommend this course more!”
Cat Boal, Studio Owner, Yoga and Embodiment Facilitator and Graduate
“To write some words on this form feels very tiny in comparasion to what Samāveśa gave and continues giving me. From that lonely sofa day nearly two years ago when I first landed upon Collette and her work I felt something light up, maybe even remember a part of myself. I feel like I have been gifted with these teachings and I honour them like any of my loved ones. I feel more honest in my teaching to my relationships. I journeyed through path and practice that has always been there, but now I am her. The practice is my life, even when i forget (which I do and I will) she is so firmly rooted inside of me like the hardiest of herbs. And just like that, my own roots have been able to twist and spiral themselves around and to the ground below me too. I am dancing in the chamatkara..”
Sara Podetti, Activist, Anthropologist, Artist, Doula, Yoga and Embodiment Facilitator and Graduate
“Samavesa school has been a real blessing. The training is beautifully designed so that philosophy, practices, reflections and much more are waved together by Collette and a council of amazing teachers. I felt held and supported all the way through, from building my own sadhana to becoming an embodied facilitator. I learned the importance of a supportive community, of holding space and meeting the other with an open heart. I feel changed deep within, yes. So much love.”
Heather Potter, School Teacher, Artist, Yoga and Embodiment Facilitator & Graduate
“The facilitator training and community became my refuge and inspiration through what was one of the most challenging years for me so far. I signed up for the 5 month immersion and couldn’t leave before the year was up, despite many attempts from the voice of ‘not good enough’. The resources and course content are so well organised and Collette has such a dedicated and attentive approach. She leads by example and has been a saviour to me since signing up in May 2022. The content opened my mind to the miracle and beauty that is life and has enabled me to begin to dismantle the belief that I am not worthy.”
Elizabeth Curtis, Creativity + Embodiment Facilitator and Graduate
I met Collette at an incredibly raw and transitional time of my life where she introduced me to the world of Tantra and Embodiment practices. Even though I conceptually understood what embodiment meant, life had taken me out of my body and into my head. I forget to breathe deeply, to be curious and to let myself listen to and trust the vessel of wisdom that is within me. She is an incredibly intuitive, open hearted person who has a unique gift - not only in her ability to guide people and their needs, but allowing such a safe space for you to surrender into yourself wholeheartedly. The Samavesa immersions have been deeply transformational - supported me in meeting different parts of my shadow and given me tactile and tangible tools to use so that I can care tenderly for that parts of me that need it the most. Collette has such an incredible way with words and expression that seep into the deepest parts of you. I am beyond grateful for the unfolding and expansion I have experienced – a forever mentor, muse and friend.
Laura Ridley-willis, embodiment space holder, radiographer and graduate
My time at the Samavesa immersion was one of true magic. Even before we arrived I could feel a difference between this and other retreats I’d been on as everything had been thought of in terms of what we needed to know for our arrival and just felt so well organized so we could all walk in to the immersion feeling comfortable and at ease. From the first evening I felt my body and energy come alive and a shadow I had been living under almost immediately shifted. I put this down to the words and philosophy that Collette presented and embodied, offering a perspective which created freedom of choice in how we experience life. It was also the first time I had ever really connected with Asanas in Yoga. I put this down to the teaching methods that I finally got to experience what a great Yoga teachers was and could loose myself in the practice. It was an incredibly special and transformative time where I felt so held by the team while still able to have my own individual experience. I miss my walks to the Shala every morning where everywhere I turned was like a painting and I felt such a sense of a peace yet engagement with the vibrancy of life. So very grateful to have had this life changing experience.
“More than ever, I feel called to the teachings to awaken myself and also others. I'm filled with awe, çamatkāra, for the community I belong to...this was the kindest group of humans I've ever shared space with"
ANNA HODGE, Yoga and Embodiment Facilitator & Graduate
“For the first time, yoga philosophy has come alive for me in an experiential and felt way and that is such a beautiful gift - I could cry! The work you're doing is so grounded, generous, accessible whilst keeping all the richness, the depth."
“This Kula is a place where magic and transformation happens. beautiful humans and ancient teachings, embodied, carry me towards more ground, more wholeness and more openness to receive and give love, which is all I have ever asked for.”
Video Testimonials
Kind Words
I stepped into this training like a newborn child. I didn't know what to expect and was pretty sure I am not fully ready for this. One of the primary things we were encouraged to cultivate even prior to the training's get-go, was trust. I have learned to trust that there is validity to my experience, there is a miracle in the moment, there is so much intelligence to this life. Hand in hand with the benevolent members of our community, we held each other tightly with kindness and support, which allowed me to gain courage and confidence.
My daily spiritual practice has grown more profound and dynamic, my use of language has distilled and refined, my participation in reality became more compassionate and tender, and that invited more curiosity and creativity into my life. I believe I am stepping out on the other side of this training a wiser, more observant and sensitive human being.
When I first went to Collette’s yoga class, I was instantly hooked as I felt more conscious with myself and in my own body than in any other class prior. Even more magical was when just a few weeks after, Collette invited me to participate in Samavesa. The program itself was very well structured, at a terrific space in between rice fields and included a variety of international qualified teachers. Every day at Samavesa was magical and I truly felt a strong connection with the whole group - right from the beginning. I believe that is because of Collette’s magical skill to bring wonderful people together and her ability to mindfully organize a retreat. During samavesa, very thoughtful different embodied experiences allowed the whole group to unfold magically while Collette and her assistants were always holding space for everyone. Throughout Samavesa I felt so safe, empowered to unfold, and inspired to thrive. I learned to reconnect to myself, fully love myself and let life dance through me. In fact, my deepest learning was that I fully started to trust in myself and life. Even though Samavesa is over, Collette remains an intensive connection with all her students, is a mentor for the whole group and continuously always there for support and open ears. Now, I can’t wait for the next Samavesa to happen.
I signed up for this training when I had very little money, very little understanding of Tantra and no idea what I was getting myself in for. I had met you once online. But, I felt so called to it and it was the biggest leap of faith I have taken in my life. And, the most rewarding.
This course chanted to me every day, with ever louder reverberations of truth. It cracked me open and it broke me. It sang me back together again. It has held my hand. It has humbled me and inspired me and made me believe in my own voice as a conduit for truth. It gave me a lineage I didn't know I longed for. It gave me a community. It has been my centre for the past 11 months, and taught me how to root myself in that place.
I am in awe of every other person on this course and the journey they have been on. I am moved and guided into action by their devotion, wisdom and love. Sitting with these souls week after week has made me trust in the unfolding, of myself, my dharma, this life, this moment. Most of all, this course has given me creative freedom. It has given me access to a bottomless well of inspiration which I have looked for my whole life, but never found until now. That has been my greatest gift of all.
The Samavesa Facilitator training gives you the keys to a magnificent temple. Together, we explore the great hall, the effigies, the library. Over time, we all build our own altar in the inner-sanctum. The cellar becomes bigger, richer, more detailed and seeped in devotion. We have free reign to shine our candles across the etchings on the wall. To wander at our leisure through the hallways and gardens. To sit at the feet of different statues, to devour ancient books, to find hidden rooms. We take each other by the hand and share what we have found. The secret corners, the paintings cloaked by curtains, the chapters in a dusty volume. The temple walls become wider, inlaid with truths and embellished with everything we have acknowledged and shared. It has been my great privilege to have had access to this Temple for the past 11 months, and to have been a part of the co-creation that has fortified it.
If you are looking for more magic, peace, joy and wonder in your life then please sign up to spend some time with Collette, Marghy and their amazing helpers. It was my first ever immersion and introduction to Rasa yoga/embodied flow yoga. These beautiful goddesses curated a perfect program for allowing all aspects of my being into the present moment, here and now, including parts that I did not even know were in exile. They shared so much compassion, wisdom, kindness and pure intuitive insight. The tools that they shared and the entire experience was life changing and magical. They took such wonderful care of everyone in the immersion, so cognizant of everyone's needs and took us to some beautiful adventurous excursions ..the retreat itself is held in such a paradisical spot in Bali, you will dance joyously, do the most delicious yoga and eat fresh nutritious meals, connect with wonderful souls, make lifelong memories and leave with a beautiful new family.
This course has been a beautiful heartfelt supportive journey that I'm extremely grateful to have been on for the last 12 months. The content completely surpassed my expectations with the continued co-creation opportunity throughout and the tools shared to embody the teachings along the way, has been so rich. It really is the best decision I feel I've ever made, there is so much rich content which I plan to return to and it has deepened my curiosity into tantra and the felt sense experience of life and all it has to show me. As a teacher this has reset how I'd like to approach teaching, planning and sharing. Col's wisdom, kindness, patience support over the last 12 months has been like no other from a teacher and the incredible guest teachers /modules have also brought so much to the experience and wealth of knowledge. I'm in awe of everyone I've met along the way and deeply deeply thankful and inspired by this community.
Samavesa was one of the most meaningful and nourishing experiences on my spiritual path so far. It was a chance to reconnect, a beautifully curated safe space, a deep dive in to my Self, Soul and Practice. I felt the love of the teachers and the Kula carry me through our time together, to the other side where the air is easier to breath. I know I will carry echoes of this immersion in my heart for the rest of my life.