You are stardust and perfection. An expression of the mystery. A movement of formlessness into form. Samaveśa is the embodied realisation of this Truth, and entry into an experience of moment-to-moment flow and wonder. To encounter the timeless presence and limitless potential that you have always been and will continue to become.
The great Tantric Sage, Utpaladeva, defined Samaveśa as 'immersion into reality', where we experience life in all of its rawness and immediacy. In its unmediated expression. Through a clear lens which is no longer misted by the myth of not being good enough. Or cracked by beliefs that have kept us small and bound.
We honour these ancient teachings and it is our intention to amplify the transmission of their wisdom so all beings may wake up to their true nature. To live a life of sovereignty, freedom, wellness and joy.
Embodied Yoga Trainings
The home of depth and devotion
The Samāveśa School of Tantra, Somatics and Embodied Yoga is an online yoga school, deeply rooted in the tradition of non-dual Kashmir Shaivism and the lineages of Trika and Śri Vidya. We offer online and hybrid 250hr and 300hr embodied yoga trainings that run from 6-15 months. The curriculum is deep and rich, delivered over extended periods, with weekly live calls to support sustainable learning where the teachings can be integrated into your everyday life. Wherever you are in the world.
Goddess Yoga
Embodied Awakening in Community
Join The Remembership and enter a monthly devotional practice community of Goddess Yoga. Work with the Mahāvidyas, the ten Tantric Goddesses and receive lineage transmission, as you swim in Tantric teachings, practices, Embodied Flow classes, empowerments and the sweet medicine of community.
Tantra, Somatics and Embodied Yoga Retreats
Embodied Myth Retreat in Greece
A magical weave of storytelling with somatic practice to breathe Psyche awake and open up the channel for creativity, insight and inspiration. Through story, dream, somatics, movement, meditation and pilgrimage to sacred sites, we’ll work with the land and the body to tune into the mysteries of the soul. Join Collette Davis, Chris Skidmore & Libby Rose Waite for this extraordinary embodied yoga retreat in Greece.
Embodied Yoga classes, Workshops and Short courses
Alchemical and devotional journeys
Embodied Flow classes in Leeds, workshops and online short courses. Join Collette and the Samāveśa faculty for journeys and studies in tantra, somatics and embodied yoga.
Embodied Yoga gifts and Freebies
Enjoy free Embodied Yoga classes, Somatisations and Meditations
Access dozens of free offerings with The Meditation Enclosure, Taster Content, The Daily Devotion, Festival of Embodiment and more.