Why I need a container

The power of a safe and inspiring container

I remember my Dad telling me I needed walls to kick against. I thoroughly rejected the idea at the time but he was trying to educate me on boundaries. Just not in a language I understood or, quite frankly, cared for at 16.

As I approach my 43rd birthday, I recognise how much I have needed safe and inspiring containers and communities. I am not great at self-study, despite what you might think. I need school, teachers, deadlines, direction. I have two master degrees and have attended over 1500 hours of teacher training and it was the containers that kept me accountable.

I recognise now that my need for those containers was pointing me towards my longing and what was once closer to compulsion has now become devotion. I am in awe of life. At once astounded.

I feel so much, and can be brought to my knees in an instant at the inexplicable beauty and mystery of the Divine. Also at totally unreasonable things like Jumanji or Beverly Hills 90210 (the original).

I think it would be fair to say I cry most days. And I’ve worked hard for that. To be so open and tender and willing to feel is a big win for someone who had to wear a lot of armour in her life. I also genuinely had no sense of boundary till I was about 35.

If you too need containers and community to keep pouring yourself into your practices, to keep honouring your dharma and to stay clear and close to yourself then come join us.

The Remembership begins on Sunday 3rd, 7pm with a Satsang on beauty, dharma and how to align with the Virgo energies.

With love.



The radiance of Lakshmi Ma


For the yogis who don’t belong